Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital and now here he is starting kindergarten! He's been extremely excited about starting kindergarten. He was accepted into the dual language kindergarten class so he has two classrooms and two teachers. He will rotate every other day between each class. There are two kindergarten classes like this. They have half English speaking children and half Spanish speaking in each class. The idea is to immerse one another into each language so they might do better learning from each other. Then on one day he goes to his first class and it's all taught in English and then he goes to the second class the next day and it's completely done in Spanish. He's very excited about this. I'm excited because he's very smart (not just saying that because I'm his mom) and was worried about him being bored. We even considered starting him in first grade. However, this seemed like the perfect solution. He really had been wanting to learn Spanish and it's a way to challenge him while keeping him in his appropriate grade.
Anyway, here's his first day. I stole some ideas got inspiration from some other blogs and things I had seen online to make his day super special so here it goes:
Started with a special breakfast of pancakes and sausage. "K" for Kindergarten!
After breakfast I had him write his name on a piece of paper so we could remember exactly how he wrote his name on his first day of kindergarten. We'll see how it changes!
The special 1st Day lunch I made him in his new super awesome bento lunch box. Ham and cheese "pencil" sandwich, pretzel "crayons", "marker" cheese stick, apple slices, carrots and ranch, and a rolo (from Daddy).
Walking to school.
Brayden and Daddy outside his class. I took a picture with him too but my eyes were closed and it just looked terrible.
His new teacher, Mrs. Peterson. She is his "homeroom" teacher that will be his English speaking class.
When he got home he had a giant chocolate chip cookie waiting for him!
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